I have an unused Brompton front wheel that I bought from SJS for my Moulton last year before realising that the hub is the wrong size. As a result it's been sitting unused since then. It's a lovely wheel, built by SJS with a JTek Superlight Quick Release Hub (28H)and rather nice Sun Rims CR38 lightweight rim.
It's top of the range, weighing only 538g, with a quick release spindle. The hub alone is 75g lighter than the standard Brompton hub, with a much lower rolling resistance. Put this on your Brompton and you'll be flying.
I paid £75 for it last year, but am willing to let it go for £45. Collection from Highgate, N6 or i can bring it into central London most days.
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I have an unused Brompton front wheel that I bought from SJS for my Moulton last year before realising that the hub is the wrong size. As a result it's been sitting unused since then. It's a lovely wheel, built by SJS with a JTek Superlight Quick Release Hub (28H)and rather nice Sun Rims CR38 lightweight rim.
It's top of the range, weighing only 538g, with a quick release spindle. The hub alone is 75g lighter than the standard Brompton hub, with a much lower rolling resistance. Put this on your Brompton and you'll be flying.
I paid £75 for it last year, but am willing to let it go for £45. Collection from Highgate, N6 or i can bring it into central London most days.
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