There seems to be two issues. One is the creak with each rotation of the pedals, the other is a minor irregularity that I feel in the power train that occurs every few turns of the pedal - which it why I thought it might be the missing link (or the missing link about to break). I can have the chain changed.
I am using old and I presume lightweight quick release skewers that came with some Mavik Aksiums, I believe, that I did not change when I last changed my wheels -- I seem to be building up a stock of new skewers! So I can swap them out easily, I think. This would be good news. I never knew that they failed.
This would also explain the busted freehub connection. The freehubs are busted (one worse than the other) and they were wobbly, but I did not think to check whether the busted freehub wobble cause bend in the quick release skewer! This is sounding very plausible!
Thanks very much indeed.
If it creaks in the same place with each rotation of the cranks, its unlikely to be your chain. The bad link will be various ways around the system each time the cranks turn, sometimes not under load so the noise would be irregular with your pedalling.
Quite a few people in the cannondale thread thought they had BB30 creaking issues which ended up being resolved by using better Quick Release skewers