No, as mentioned upthread I work for a charity. Does your ad agency know you've been on this thread all morning?
If you weren't trying to say some version of 'you non-exclusive (read: plebby) types need us corporate types and our money or there'd be no sport for you to enjoy' with your comment then what were you trying to say? It's either disingenuous or just meaningless.
Still fair play for engaging here. You've been much better behaved here than when I asked you to stop infecting my FB feed...
You didn't really ask, you called us a bunch of cunts that should go back to the golf course and other such nicesties. So you weren't really very well behaved yourself. I responded in a mocking/patronising tone, but wasn't outright insulting to you.
I also wasn't trying to make the point you say above. Just saying that corporate money if one part of sport.
Also, I think if most employers monitored employees internet usage whilst at work, there would be a fair few slapped wrists.
'unpack'? Do you work in a corporate industry? I run a little cycling collective for like minded individuals that I think would be well up your strada.
Yeah, sponsorship forms a large part of it, as well as lottery funding etc. Never tried to pass it off as philanthropic though, because it ain't!