After loving dot watching last year, my plan was LEL this year and TCR next year if all went to plan but have lost most of this year to knackering my knees. So don't see next year being an option, like the look of the Nice torino rally and a 1000km ish audax for next year as a stepping stone.
Also not sure if TCR has a future or not in its current format but hope it does. Seems to of really captured people's imagination and gained a following.
Tried to find some race information on the north cape 4000 and its non existent in comparison. Accept it's a new race and am sure the first edition of TCR was the same.
I feel like TCR might have benefited a lot from the Specialized video series a couple of years back, which seemed like a genuine film/adventure and not just a way to capture eyeballs
After loving dot watching last year, my plan was LEL this year and TCR next year if all went to plan
This was exactly my plan too... however I found my early attempts at building up to longer distances far more challenging than I had expected and wimped out of entering LEL which I now regret. I'm still captivated by the idea but I think it'll be a few years till I feel I could make a reasonable attempt at finishing.
Everyone else who is just following and not racing, are you also finding yourself being drawn into the idea of one day doing this, or are you watching and thinking 'fuck that'?