I've been making a few tweaks, I think it's about fettled - well when I get round to finding a plain black front rim. Hmmm I could also maybe fancy a chunkier fork, can you drill a Alpina Wing fork? :-P LOL
I tell you what though riding fixed on the road is a different kettle of fish. I start to feel a bit crampy at about 45mins. I do a lot of fixed riding but usually sprint efforts. On the road you get little rests on the corners, downhill, etc. Still I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually :)
I've been making a few tweaks, I think it's about fettled - well when I get round to finding a plain black front rim. Hmmm I could also maybe fancy a chunkier fork, can you drill a Alpina Wing fork? :-P LOL
I tell you what though riding fixed on the road is a different kettle of fish. I start to feel a bit crampy at about 45mins. I do a lot of fixed riding but usually sprint efforts. On the road you get little rests on the corners, downhill, etc. Still I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually :)