But if that's all you can afford as a FTB then it's what you have to buy. My advice is buy a 1 bed flat with proper separate living room
Or just move further out until you can afford a two bed - it won't be far because as I said the one bed flat discount is tiny - and never get in dire financial straights at all because someone will always pay a hefty chunk of your mortgage for you to stay in your spare room. This is tax free and this is a trick you can only early on in your life but as time goes on it becomes much harder.
One bed modern flats are bankers crash pads only.
The discount you get for forfeiting a room doesn't stack up against the disadvantages; you can't get a lodger in (which is a super great way of buying more equity if SO) and it's harder to sell because there are less people who will consider single bed flats. For example landlords - they aren't a fan.