• @pdlouche yes, it's stand developed and the issue is exacerbated by my post processing

    @Well_is_it it's incredibly overexposed and processing to get the contrast where I want it also made the grain pop out. The super grainy stuff I post sometimes is more often overexposed than pushed, and the appearance of the grain is partly a result of the digital processing to get an image from the fucked up negs. I like horrible fucked up negs.
    (This time was actually an error tho...)

  • What dev solution/concentration/timing? Aggressive agitation will make it worse, but so long as dev time is more than 3 minutes then constant gentle rotation for first minute then rotating every 30 seconds will make the world of difference.

    If your dev is over 10 mins then every minute is okay, so long as you have overfilled the tank, don't skimp out - better to spill and waste liquid than fill 500ml into a paterson and risk inadequate dev.

    You know like swishing brandy in a glass? I used to do that for agitation, rotation making circles with the dev tank (but keeping the base in contact with the counter), plus the occasional tap on the counter to free up air bubbles.
