I'm on a holiday in Italy, that's why I'm maybe late with my reaction.
M-level is the one I recommend in comparison with other Belgian sprayers. I know he was an official Colnago resprayer some years ago and saw some of his resprays of a Master Extra Light (with the cyclist on toptube). It looked pretty ok but still it is not completely the same. Prices aren't cheap: he asks 120 € per colour used.
If you want me to, I can call him but maybe he is closed for summer holidays.
Cheers all.
Seb - Will bookmark, looks good, got some Colnagos on there. Ideally I'd find someone in UK. But if not, then maybe worth a look.
Poetic - Yeah, the M-Level link is the one Wim recommends. Maybe really busy. Heard nothing back.
Wildwest - Mercian looks pricey, but might get an estimate from Argos.