For all the usual reasons, i'd like something that is cycle-specific rather than using my phone: proper weatherproofing, longer battery life, secure mount, etc etc.
But on top of that, people spend a lot of time and money putting together pretty bicycles and it would be nice to have a sleak-looking garmin type thing instead of a clunky plastic phone-holder type thing.
Dammit, I wanna stare lovingly at my bike whilst I pose around in French villages!
Quad Lock do an out front mount, their system is excellent in my opinion. Just get a quad lock and use your phone with google maps. Frame bag or TT bag with USB battery if you're worried about battery life.
For all the usual reasons, i'd like something that is cycle-specific rather than using my phone: proper weatherproofing, longer battery life, secure mount, etc etc.
But on top of that, people spend a lot of time and money putting together pretty bicycles and it would be nice to have a sleak-looking garmin type thing instead of a clunky plastic phone-holder type thing.
Dammit, I wanna stare lovingly at my bike whilst I pose around in French villages!