The problems we had were quite simple to fix; limited processing power and memory, a small battery and no dedicated network connection (we were using BLE to a phone to get access to the network).
There's a bunch of thorny user experience issues too;
- unlike roads [generally], the viability of cycle routes changes over the year
- cycle access to certain paths and roads can change quickly
- some will trade elevation gain against duration, some will not
- some will trade time to destination against fuzzy 'pleasantness' of the route
not insurmountable either, but coupled with the lack of market...eugh
I suspect market size has a lot to do with why Garmin cycling devices are crap, and their running / multi-sport are much less so
- unlike roads [generally], the viability of cycle routes changes over the year
It is quite difficult but if you had the right tools for the job you could do it.
The problems we had were quite simple to fix; limited processing power and memory, a small battery and no dedicated network connection (we were using BLE to a phone to get access to the network).
If you address those then the problem is surmountable. But is there enough of a market to justify the investment in building such a product?