I don't know much about it, I bought it as I have a Fuji tiara, also known as a DL super mini. So I got it as the features are similar, in that it has a widescreen mask and the model numbers are similar.
The super mini is an awesome camera and really sought after. This one isn't so much but I think that's due to it being normal sized as opposed to mini.
Type Fuji dl 95 super in to google and stuff comes up
Clearing out some of the cameras I have hoarded. Just throw me an offer, I'm not holding out for top dollar or anything. Any offers would be plus postage (£3 ish) or you're welcome to collect.
There is a:
Lubitel 2 with case
Mju ii zoom 80 with box and manual
Mju iii with box case etc never used.
Mju I
The mju I has a battery inside and the lens pops out as it should.
Instax 10, one with box one without
Instax 100 both with box and manuals
Polaroid 600 and case
Polaroid joycam
Fuji dl95 super. Which I believe is the newer version of the tiara
I haven't used any of these so can't guarantee anything although it's rare film cameras don't work.