Balham heading south, clipped a single-decker bus at the rear as I anticipated the driver; went down like a sack of spuds. No cuts or bruises, weirdly (unless this text is from the afterlife in which case my porn stash can be found in t~~%{^}*#+]^]>[++NO+CARRIER
Arrgh! Yes. Posted a couple of minutes after the slam. Thankful I didn't try to use imply/infer or then/than at the time. Shock AND embarrassment. Thank you : )
Balham heading south, clipped a single-decker bus at the rear as I anticipated the driver; went down like a sack of spuds. No cuts or bruises, weirdly (unless this text is from the afterlife in which case my porn stash can be found in t~~%{^}*#+]^]>[++NO+CARRIER