Fast 25s is slim pickings but there's an E2 on Sep 2nd. That's my current PB course.
Been over to Welsh course once before and it pissed it down. It'd be nice to ride it dry and with bigger gearing and fewer things going wrong but I'm not that interested in setting course PBs given the miles in my legs so maybe the 25 will have to wait.
Of course the A100/4 and the Breckland 50 are on the same day. Not sure I will have the motivation to ride the 100 quick although once again it'd be unknown territory after TCR.
There's the Welsh Champs 50 which is my old PB course and can be pretty quick.
The only one you're going to make inroads on your 25 time is the R25/3....
The A100/4 I supposed to be a fast course, planning on trying to improve my 100 time further.