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  • I want to do different things - just don't feel as excited about TT this year, 12hr excepted. Really not bothered about the short stuff.

    Year of audax and then maybe the 24 in 2019.

  • Ha, you're turning into an old man. It's coz I made going long sexy isn't it? Go on, admit it, old man hippy got you moist for the long distance world. :P

    Yeah, I was all keen to have a crack at lowering my 25mi but didn't take the bike off the rack at all. Then TABR and TCR take up all my time and then I don't know.. looking at:


    But could equally just spend the rest of the year getting pissed. Tempted to start some MTB training and race a solo 24hr mtb but that would then fuck me up for another crack at TABR. Decisions, decisions.

  • More like everyone is too fast at the short stuff now! Have to try the longer stuff where it's only old blokes and weirdos...


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