I suppose this kind of events suit people who are fine with last minute changes and improvising, but for me along with that comes the habit of doing preparations at the last minute. Or last weeks. My route is not ready yet and haven't really planned what to pack yet. Though the latter will be mostly as usual on long rides and I have got some new gear to improve from last year and I have been contemplating gear choices for the whole year, as usual. I'm flying to Brussels already on Saturday. I did service the bike during the weekend. Need to buy batteries. Riding the same Surly as the last 8 years. Just got the second jab for hepatitis a.
I suppose this kind of events suit people who are fine with last minute changes and improvising, but for me along with that comes the habit of doing preparations at the last minute. Or last weeks. My route is not ready yet and haven't really planned what to pack yet. Though the latter will be mostly as usual on long rides and I have got some new gear to improve from last year and I have been contemplating gear choices for the whole year, as usual. I'm flying to Brussels already on Saturday. I did service the bike during the weekend. Need to buy batteries. Riding the same Surly as the last 8 years. Just got the second jab for hepatitis a.