• #602
I have to say they did a fantastic job of providing me with years of ad free content, getting me utterly hooked on their app and then introducing adverts at my peak addiction point. I would pay for a premium version that was ad free as with all websites. But instead i've been thinking i should probably dump insta and facebook and this just helps me do that. -
• #603
I've enjoyed it more since I've stopped posting real life, just rides and bikes and the like now.
Algorithmic feeds are a solution no-one wants to a problem that doesn't exist.
• #604
Strong line up!
• #605
Yeah Facebook seem determined to ruin it. The ads are a ball ache but worse is the algorithm that fucks with the order of the photos, sometimes it even bumps ones I've already seen/liked above ones I haven't yet. It just makes a bigger gap between those with lots of likes and those without. I used to get 3 times as many likes on photos when I had 3 times less followers.
Also the live feed thing, they keep adding new features, I already don't know how to use most of it and I've been using the thing since the beginning. If you're coming in fresh you've got no chance. They seem determined to steal Snap Chat's audience but don't seem to realise that the more integration with Facebook itself they do, the more they put off that audience.
• #606
JB and instagram ++ = no ads
Must be an equivalent for Android
• #607
I got a bloody text message from Facebook the other day notifying me of friends' activty on IG, what a load of shite. The facebook, IG and Whatsapp union is not right.
• #608
Is there any uncomfortable fusion of WhatsApp with the others? I generally like WhatsApp, nothing really annoys me about it at all.
• #609
but worse is the algorithm that fucks with the order of the photos, sometimes it even bumps ones I've already seen/liked above ones I haven't yet.
I know not a single person who prefers this over the chronological order. Why mess something up that was perfectly fine in every way?
• #610
Also I'm on IG, too
Chevron King (>>>>>>) - teenslain
31trum - 31trum
7ven - 7VEN____
AlfredIV - Jadanesme
alialias - alialias
andypancake - andyfuckingellis
amey - ameygokarn
apollo - apollo_0
arrowplum - intenseparty
BareNecessities - pete_bn ( cats, bikes and wood stuff )
Big H. - big.h26
birofunk - staines
Breso – breso_org
Ben G – beardy_ben_dirty_stancing
bmxed – bmxed and plkallday
Bannon - 1646london
betty -bettymadethis
bitterbuffalo - lehesk
brameses - instabraaaamm
cazakstan - cazakstan
cliveo - cliveoconnell
cogsucker - DenGlanzig
Crimsonape – crimsonape
Crispin Glover - ah_hatch
Cyclodunc - photo_dunc
Crop - xldoublecropper
craftybutcher - dapthechap
danslecarton - danslecarton
Davog – Davog
dimi3 - DTHR
DethBeard - Parryman
desouz - de_souz
DragunovCZ1 - dragunovcz1
EB - jceem69
Ecobeard - Ecobeard
EEI - Eastendimages
Enso108 - Enso108
eyebrows- eyebroughs
Errm_rich - errm_rich
edscoble - edscoble
Fixedwheelnut - Fixedwheelnut
French Touch – marleymarleymarley
Golfwang - golfwang____
Gfys – xgfysx
guii - gui
haveo - benjchan
hellomiles- hellomiles
Hobo -himynameisclarence
Hoke - who_da_ho
hudsoncjnr - hudsoncjnr
hms - thejerseypocket
Husy - husy94
Indra – constant_changes
jambon - michael.rolph
Jess|e – rideridejessie
johnnyhotdog - johnnycrash
Joni_Doe - pinkcourier
larsenroad - larsenroed
Ma3K - lllMA3K
malandro - vonstarnberg
Makko – makko9000
Mechanical_vandal - mechanical_vandal
Mi7rennie - Rennigade
monkdagola - forevercrashing
nathwilson22 - nathwilson22
Nuknow – nuknow
NLTCBMBC - the_nltcbmbc
o'shane - sublimemoment
overtheroad - thespray
PhilDAS - philrooney1
photoben – photobenphoto (and also atpcardgame for Attack The Pack).
PQR – PhilQR
Privatepatterson - private_patterson
Pooface - xanderhart
RichG - rgsw9
Roboto – robotosan
sumo - sumocycles
Scoot - scoot
SP - Superprecision
skullhed - Bengreen
skydancer - kagaruya
Sea fish - aseanfisher
sorethroat - aanguus
soserious - killerstraight
specialegg - colsonknight
Seven04 - thatsven04
T slates – Thomas_slater
Tenderloin - Joetenderloin
trunkie - sihollington
Timbre - trisc
tits - 7upbitch
Thrust - pellbelle
Turtlerecall - Turtlerecall
umop3pisdn - umop_3pisdn
Vince - vincentlasseaux and ChampagneLasseaux
Wheel.Eyes - wheel.eyes
xDOMx - xdom_sx
yeahnerdz - ameniconi
Yukirin - Dell_Atreides -
• #611
It was the first change Facebook did to it after buying it, really putting their 'we're going to fuck this up' stamp on things.
• #612
Also... Has anyone had the thing where someone you were following has suddenly dropped off your feed and you have to follow them again? It's happened to me a couple of times, once last week and it was a pretty good mate who I would never have unfollowed!! It's weird, I don't like it anymore...
• #613
There is in terms of the data grab that FB made.
• #614
Chronological order = you get to an end point (last seen post) and stop scrolling.
Algorithmic = no end point which means more scrolling... and more ads.
• #615
What's frustrating is that these apps were written to provide a cool service to people, then to be sustainable they need to make money and get eaten up by huge companies and stop being about what is actually good for the user.
• #616
Which makes me wonder why Strava went algorithmic, preparing for adds on the free service ?
I've binned Instagram now and quite content with Flickr for photos
• #617
I lost my Flickr account with all that Yahoo bollocks a few years ago - depsite much trying to log back in, many emails with admins, including ones where I was asked to show photos of myself holding ID like it was MySpace and 2008 again, I gave up. Shame as I had a handle I wanted to keep and lots of photos uploaded I no longer have copies of. Instagram is still fun as a feed scroller from time to time but I don't use it in the same way as Flickr. The closest to that is Google Photos which continually impresses me.
• #618
• #619
Which makes me wonder why Strava went algorithmic, preparing for adds on the free service ?
Has it? I think mine is still chronological. They don't need ads because they have a subscription model.
• #620
Algorithmic = you get bored of 4 day old posts and don't scroll further than the first few photos before giving up = less adverts viewed
• #621
It doesn't matter what us early adapters think though, dave and sue from Barnsley will continue using Instagram contentedly for years to come. They only recognise the shit version.
• #622
and suprise suprise, it's for insertion of ads into feeds. Sorry, athlete/business partnerships. Led by an ex Instagram exec no-less
• #623
Not enough premium membership conversions?
• #624
Chronological order = you get to an end point (last seen post) and stop scrolling.
I still do that as new posts always get on top of the seen posts, just not ordered chronologically.
I'm not sure if I see all the new posts though. -
• #625
Yesterday on Strava I had a post show up from July 5th near the top of my feed. Algorithm needs work. Or the bin.
Anyone else sick of the fucking ads? I'm barely using it atm, pile of shit...
Changing the order of posts you see was bad enough, might have to dump it...