I think this is a really nice idea - seeing as unlike PBP, most interaction with general public tends to be either bewilderment at it not being for charity, or abuse from passing cars, some actual encouragement is always good.
Water, tea, coffee (I'd have paid a fortune for a proper espresso while riding back from Dunwich on Sunday). Sell some ice creams? There's lots of food laid on at controls, but ice cream is always great on long rides.
It's going to be quite international, so the postcard idea is really nice if you can be bothered.
It does depend a lot on how close you are to a control - I can imagine if you're a few km away it's unlikely anyone will stop for long. Whereas if you're halfway between it would probably make you very popular. -
Yes, do it!
@mustardbeak @fussballclub well who am I supposed to believe now! Although ~£120 will buy two cycling-specific dhb ones, and better yet I'll get to return the one that doesn't fit.
I live 100 miles in to the LEL route and fancy setting up with a folding chair and some signage to cheer people on. It was awesome experiencing some locals' support on Dunwich Dynamo, feel like I should feed those good vibes back (+look at shiny bikes). Any do's/dont's I should be aware of?
Bonus Q: Worth my while preparing some water or other provisions for weary audaxers? Perhaps more relevant on the return leg.