Had a play with one belonging to a friend - really like the design/build quality but overall found the experience too similar to my Porlex tall to justify. Like the different angle for the handle rotation on the Handground - looks much easier on the wrist. But as up thread (in fact I think you put me onto it) I've ordered a Wilfa : )
I have to disagree about the vertical rotation - my grinder has the handle on top, spins horizontally and I find that I effectively use both hands when I'm grinding - right hand turns the handle and the left hand moves sympathetically. Hard to explain, but if you look from on top you'd see the hands crossing and uncrossing as I grind the beans.
With the handle affixed a la Handground, the non-handle-turning-hand (technical term there) can only serve to resist the motion instead of assisting with it.
If you were gonna put up that much cash, I'd be inclined to go for a made by knock (http://www.madebyknock.com/feldgrind.html) I haven't tried the handground though so don't know how it compares.