If you were gonna put up that much cash, I'd be inclined to go for a made by knock (http://www.madebyknock.com/feldgrind.html) I haven't tried the handground though so don't know how it compares.
Had a play with one belonging to a friend - really like the design/build quality but overall found the experience too similar to my Porlex tall to justify. Like the different angle for the handle rotation on the Handground - looks much easier on the wrist. But as up thread (in fact I think you put me onto it) I've ordered a Wilfa : )
I'm still toying with getting one of these
@cornelius_blackfoot replied and said it was good. It needs to a big step up from my current Porlex to justify spending the money.
If I decide to go for it I'll have a Porlex mini and a Bodum electric grinder up for sale soon.