Bit of a disaster/setback tonight. Chain ring bolts arrived and I fitted them; mounted the cranks only to find out that the clearance for the chain ring is about 7mm, leaving it a very close call. I'm not sure if I have them on enough either as I didn't want to over tighten them...
I thought about buying a chain anyway to see if that's enough etc, so went to fit the pedals. Turns out the fella who sold me the cranks forgot to tell me the non-drive side threads are fecked and wont receive a pedal. So back to square one!
Don't know how much shops charge but you can have the cranks rethreaded some do it to french cranks so as to take English threads, your bike is looking good added pic of my BSA cheap as chips but I love it..
That looks great, what gear ratio are you running? I was thinking about buying some taps; dusting off my A-level engineering knowledge and having a go at re-threading them. I do wonder if just trying to source some second-hand cranks may be cheaper/easier though.
Bit of a disaster/setback tonight. Chain ring bolts arrived and I fitted them; mounted the cranks only to find out that the clearance for the chain ring is about 7mm, leaving it a very close call. I'm not sure if I have them on enough either as I didn't want to over tighten them...
I thought about buying a chain anyway to see if that's enough etc, so went to fit the pedals. Turns out the fella who sold me the cranks forgot to tell me the non-drive side threads are fecked and wont receive a pedal. So back to square one!