• Bit of a disaster/setback tonight. Chain ring bolts arrived and I fitted them; mounted the cranks only to find out that the clearance for the chain ring is about 7mm, leaving it a very close call. I'm not sure if I have them on enough either as I didn't want to over tighten them...

    I thought about buying a chain anyway to see if that's enough etc, so went to fit the pedals. Turns out the fella who sold me the cranks forgot to tell me the non-drive side threads are fecked and wont receive a pedal. So back to square one!

  • Indeed you did. If the pedal threads in the cranks were OK I suspect that I would have enough clearance upon fitting a smaller chainring. I planned to do that, but now will just source a different crank altogether. Do you have any suggestions of companies/brands that would be ok? There seems to be so many different BCD standards I don't know which one to pick!
