my headset developed a notchiness always wanting to index into the straight on position. Im guessing I didn't do it tight enough and somethings chattered.
In my experience of fucking up headsets, the notchiness is from it being too tight.
A loose headset will allow your fork to move up and down over unevenness in the road and make a metallic sound as it all clangs around. And you can feel the fork knock under braking.
Apologies all, I have been meaning to keep this more up to date. It all got a little hectic in the run up to our trip! but we made it! Bristol to Paris! Pretty pleased considering I hadn't cycled the bike more than five minutes before we departed.
Here the BJ on the second day in France.
I have to admit however I ran into a few problems. On the third day, my gear indexing went locco (im guessing the cable stretched) but i never managed to get it quite behaving again. Should be easy to sort now back though. More of a concern however, on the final day, while heading into Paris my headset developed a notchiness always wanting to index into the straight on position. Im guessing I didn't do it tight enough and somethings chattered. Im no expert though, any advice welcomed.