Forks were painted a few weeks ago, did the frame yesterday, ran out of my first can so back to brick lane this week and next weekend i'll hopefully finish painting it!
@Jules ruining (or enhancing?) the only shots I got of the frame.
The finish looks and feels a bit powdery at the moment, but I guess a couple more layers to even out the paint and then wet n dry it then gloss laquer should hopefully make it look good.
And actual updates!
Forks were painted a few weeks ago, did the frame yesterday, ran out of my first can so back to brick lane this week and next weekend i'll hopefully finish painting it!
@Jules ruining (or enhancing?) the only shots I got of the frame.
The finish looks and feels a bit powdery at the moment, but I guess a couple more layers to even out the paint and then wet n dry it then gloss laquer should hopefully make it look good.
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