Here's a pic I took from the previous build, outers not installed yet but it gives you an idea of where they need to go through (there is another hole on the other side of the stem):
That really is not enough space for outers, let alone the etap stupidity. I could never get why shimano managed to streamline their tt setup, but SRAM just threw you this frikking bus sized controller with it.
Which begs the question of where the hell are you putting that?
Which begs the question of where the hell are you putting that?
Heat-shrink tube to keep the four Blips cables "tidy", drill a small hole on the side of aero stem cover to route them out and glue the Blipbox mount on the top of the handlebars.
Here's a pic I took from the previous build, outers not installed yet but it gives you an idea of where they need to go through (there is another hole on the other side of the stem):
Etap tt madness...