Not anti-kid (some of my best friends have 'em) but the proliferation of signage and culture praising and promoting child-bearing sometimes grates on me. When someone hauls an SUV-sized child buggy with a perfectly capable 4 year old in it onto a bus, forcing seats to be given up (3-4 mobility-impaired seats) it seems to have gone too far.
Despite not having any of my own, my job (driver for a medical boarding home) of constantly working around happy and otherwise kids has had no adverse effects on me or my passengers after being in that environment for almost 30 years.
And those tall chairs they have in some pubs that take away space from normal adult chairs. Wouldn't it be better if children had their own places to eat, away from adults?
I'm not saying children are bad, they're just different to us and I don't think I should be left with nowhere to sit in a pub because of a noisy, messy child. It's basically discrimination and it's not right that that adults, who pay their taxes and have lived here longer, have to give way to children in public places.
I don't mind families having children in their own homes, it's just I don't want it shoved down my throat in public.