Well yes, but if the winner is declared on being first past the camera, and the rules say it's the first over the line, and today it's perfectly possible that the first past the camera wasn't the first over the line, you have a problem which should surely be resolved by calling dead heat. I find it interesting there is no blown up image of the photo finish, and would like to understand exactly how they made their decision.
I'm also not sure why dead heats are anathema, rather than an interesting curio. Guess they don't suit the image of the sponsor, Tissot or whoever.
Well yes, but if the winner is declared on being first past the camera, and the rules say it's the first over the line, and today it's perfectly possible that the first past the camera wasn't the first over the line, you have a problem which should surely be resolved by calling dead heat. I find it interesting there is no blown up image of the photo finish, and would like to understand exactly how they made their decision.
I'm also not sure why dead heats are anathema, rather than an interesting curio. Guess they don't suit the image of the sponsor, Tissot or whoever.