Although they do all like to talk watches it invariably comes down to how much it cost and how hard it is to buy. I also saw a blinging solid gold Rolex yacht master II which actually looked quite nice in a check-me-out way.
They've got some pretty good #csb about watches though, one guy went on the razz in Monte Carlo after a tournament and woke up without his treasured Hublot and sulked off back to Blighty. A year later he was back playing the same competition and regaled the sob story when someone suggested he go to the local popo station which he did and unbelievably it had been handed in and sat for a year. Only in Monte Carlo.
My favourite is a guy who was skint, got staked a play a tourney, binked it for £30k and like a chump blew most on a watch (can't remember what). It soon developed a problem and had to be sent back to Switzerland from the States and at some point in this transaction it got nicked. Anyway a year later he got a call from the cops on the other side of the country "Did you report so and so watch stolen? We've recovered a Watch matching the serial numbers but its a bit different to your description..."
The police had conviscated it from a drug dealer starting a custodial stretch and when it arrives back finds the guy had encrusted the watch with $100k of diamonds. #mustbenice