How does everyone winter their Citrus trees? We were gifted a supermarket spec 'indoor' Lemon tree as a housewarming gift. It was on deaths door. Now after 3 months in a large pot and those recent 30deg days, we have some new leaves and some flowers. I'm worried that it will get fucked by our winter temps. What do you do?
Outdoors in summer, in partial shade.
Unheated conservatory in winter, and water sparingly or it will deposit a sticky film.
Over the last ten years we've had flowers but fruit never grows to more than pea size before dropping off, so I'm not claiming any expertise.
How does everyone winter their Citrus trees? We were gifted a supermarket spec 'indoor' Lemon tree as a housewarming gift. It was on deaths door. Now after 3 months in a large pot and those recent 30deg days, we have some new leaves and some flowers. I'm worried that it will get fucked by our winter temps. What do you do?
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