So I took the plunge and bought one, and it arrived today. Good little bit of kit, but for navigation it's nowhere near as good as my Garmin edge 1000. I liked that at a junction the Garmin would give me a close up of the junction. For junctions with lots of exits I found that really useful. Also, I found it telling me to turn left a few times when I actually needed to turn right, and vice versa. Route built in ride with gps. Any tips to fix the issue?
Loved the small form factor and great battery life, though!
So I took the plunge and bought one, and it arrived today. Good little bit of kit, but for navigation it's nowhere near as good as my Garmin edge 1000. I liked that at a junction the Garmin would give me a close up of the junction. For junctions with lots of exits I found that really useful. Also, I found it telling me to turn left a few times when I actually needed to turn right, and vice versa. Route built in ride with gps. Any tips to fix the issue?
Loved the small form factor and great battery life, though!