Are you looking to rent or something?
If you worked in Falmouth you don't have to live there. It's an easy drive/ride from most places in Cornwall to Falmouth within a 10-15 mile radius and trains are ok-ish. Penryn is nice and just round the corner or there are some really nice villages around there too.
I lived in Cornwall for two years and worked in Falmouth for much of that. I loved it down there. Totally different life to living in a city. Both me and the wife often talk about moving back down there (currently living in Glasgow) when we do the family thing. Good luck.
Yeah, we'll be renting in the short term, until we know we're happy in our jobs and know the area a little better, then I'd be looking to sell up in Bristol and buy a place.
We've been looking in Penryn and surrounding areas, I really liked Penryn so it's definitely an option. Truro could be an option too. Never had to uproot from such a secure situation, so I'm feeling a little out of my comfort zone. Bristol is alright, and it's a safe bet, but it's kind of frustrating / repetitive sometimes.
Not London, but as Bristol's becoming West London now anyway it's kinda relevant.
Got a job in Falmouth, really nice company, but no more money. Girlfriend has applied for a few jobs down there, but nothing coming back as yet, although it's only been a couple of weeks at most. Basically in the short-term it might mean long distance relationship. Rental market down there's not great. Also situation here is pretty comfortable, mortgage repayments tiny, slowly doing up our flat, current job does flexi-time, buuut... living by the sea could be nice.
Went back to current boss, he might offer to up my wage. Kind of a frustrating job, but it's easy.
Going down there again this weekend try and figure out if it's the right place for us.
Much confuse.