And before anyone says "Laffer Curve" - he's the dickhole that brought us trickle down economics
The argument is not about the existence of the Laffer Curve, but which side of the peak the country currently is. The Tories will claim that the current taxation level is beyond the peak so only reducing tax rates will increase revenue, the opposition will argue that the country is the other side of the peak.
Well yes, I'd probably advocate that. It's hard to see how in a globalized world how you would practically go about obtaining similar tax revenues from the individuals connected to the corporate.
I was just pointing out that the point Airhead made wasn't about trickle down. It was changing where you tax in the chain.
I don't really have an ideological motivation to how you structure a tax policy. For eg it wouldn't concern me if you had a flat tax starting from £25k, if it netted a greater gain for the revenue and delivered higher living standards.