• Christ Soul. That's just such a bad outcome from one idiots decision to make a 'safe' transgression (in his head) into a major arse ache. And knee. And wallet. To those total knob heads who red light jump hear this. I don't want you deciding what's safe for me, my ageing mother, my kids, my wife and all those other people out there who cross roads at crossings. If you're the kind of person who jumps red lights you're not fit to think for yourself let alone others. We decided a long time ago that for everyone's safety red means stop and green means go...when its safe to do so. If you're in a hurry to get to work get your arse out of bed earlier. If you're in a hurry to get home phone home and tell them you'll be late but will definitely be there in 1 piece. If your Strava/Garmin/fitbit tech says go.... ignore it. I have a friend who didn't. He now sucks baby food through a straw. Has done for 4 years. And he doesn't do much else.
