I had a proper ding dong with some twat from Gruppo Sportivo Greenwich last weekend. Jumping every set of lights he could resplendent in his naff kit. He was 'stuck' at one set of lights and I asked him why he had to jump them all (bad name for us all, you're in club kit, it's the law etc. etc.). He just said it was safer.... er, ok..
I called him a prick and considered administering kidney punch..
So sorry to hear that dude. I know how crashing can really take a knock on riding confidence (with or without an engine). That guy sounds like an utter utter cunt.
I saw a chaingang of 3 cyclists on Loampit vale going uphill jumping all lights, the leader had a titanium Serotta so he might be 'on here' if not I hope he reads this: You are a cunt and I hope @Brave kidney punches you some day.