TBF if it's a Uni level job in the UK, I would expect anyone to be held to Uni level standard. I don't think this is perse aimed at keeping forrin's out (but perhaps the idea of making nursing uni level wasn't well thought out...)
But then the pay also has to be uni level...I mean, if you get paid way more for a uni level nursing job in the EU and you have to put up with all the crap around BrexShit suddenly the UK doesn't look too great :/
My first reaction is that such a drop is unlikely as English is taught to a high standard. So, I googled it. Cos...well yeah facts gotta fact.
So it seems the drop MAY be linked to the language test, which is uni level English. I guess it's because nursing is now a uni level degree jobs in the UK, so it's only fair. But it's not an uni level job everywhere in the EU.
BUT I can't find hard figures, so how much of this is "hey you make me do a language test AND not pay super much AND your country isn't sure what to do with my rights" is impossible to quantify...