• #73877
Didn't realise you'd met my little brother.
• #73878
still not as bad as gym updates.
• #73879
*paging ts, ts to the meme thread please
• #73880
• #73881
Still chuckling at that soldier one
• #73882
• #73883
• #73884
• #73885
• #73886
No, this one is very subtly different.
And way cleverer.
• #73887
• #73888
Is she a soldier then? i'm lost
• #73889
A more accurate translation from the Polish would be:
“Dry Nobleman’s Sausage"
• #73890
Bloody hell. I've been staring at that army man meme for hours and have only just seen it.
His left hand isn't his, it's a woman's hand.
I can now get on with my day.
• #73891
How I found it!
I shared with my office and no one quite believe me when I said I came across it by accident.
• #73892
no one quite believe me when I said I came across it by accident.
awkward boner moment in the office?
• #73893
Unfortunately in my office boners are never awkward.
• #73894
Fuck you! Don't tell me it's a sail boat!
• #73895
It's the pineapple(s) that do it for me.
• #73896
Army man doesn't seem very pleased to be going home.
• #73897
Mallrats quote, Nice!
• #73898
*Nobleman's dry sausage
• #73899
Some soldier/military facebook 'share' posts are fucking chronic. The worst 'pity/respect/praise me' group-reach-around postings imaginable. I say this because of someone I know that was in the RAF, now gets paid a fortune to work in the oil industry and shares ALL of them either out of his own needyness or some kind of collective peer pressure.
There's nothing humorous or intelligent/witty to find in this genre...
(parklife, etc.)
bravo - f-ing hate these - automatic deference to these 'heroes'? fuck off
• #73900
I still don't get it.
Do we hate soldiers or their overlords?
Anyway moar memes please (though not like that soldier one because it is shit).