Saturday 17th June I will be at Princess May School in Stoke Newington for the flea market, 7am - 3pm ~ EvErYtHiNg MuSt Go ~
SoundBlaster USB sound card - Windows only - FREE
Studio monitor wall brackets - £5
Akai EIE Pro sound card - £100
Asus MB169B+ USB portable monitor - 1080p / 1920x1080 - £100
Dell Monitor - £5
Dremel w. loads of attachments - £30
Drone - DX7s controller, plenty spare LiPos and propellers - £150
Marumi DHG 40.5mm circular polariser filter - £10
Assorted vintage camera filters - £10
iPhone 5/5s/6 super mega heavy duty case - £2
Frisbee and terrifying Mr Hoppy thing - FREE
Ankle physiotherapy wobble board - FREE
Horse mask - FREE
Japanese Crane copper bicycle bell, brand new - £10
Bike stand with cracked frame (OK for most jobs, not heavy jobs like taking off cranks, pedals etc) - FREE
Olaf, vintage Dutch bike - £100
Anglepoise Type 75 Floor lamp - £95
Best to email : gilbert.sinnott AT
Saturday 17th June I will be at Princess May School in Stoke Newington for the flea market, 7am - 3pm ~ EvErYtHiNg MuSt Go ~
SoundBlaster USB sound card - Windows only - FREE
Studio monitor wall brackets - £5
Akai EIE Pro sound card - £100
Asus MB169B+ USB portable monitor - 1080p / 1920x1080 - £100
Dell Monitor - £5
Dremel w. loads of attachments - £30
Drone - DX7s controller, plenty spare LiPos and propellers - £150
Marumi DHG 40.5mm circular polariser filter - £10
Assorted vintage camera filters - £10
iPhone 5/5s/6 super mega heavy duty case - £2
Frisbee and terrifying Mr Hoppy thing - FREE
Ankle physiotherapy wobble board - FREE
Horse mask - FREE
Japanese Crane copper bicycle bell, brand new - £10
Bike stand with cracked frame (OK for most jobs, not heavy jobs like taking off cranks, pedals etc) - FREE
Olaf, vintage Dutch bike - £100
Anglepoise Type 75 Floor lamp - £95
Running shoes - size 10/10.5 - FREE
Suede Ted Baker shoes - size 10/10.5 - £10
Levis 511 Commuter cycling jeans - 33" waist, 32" leg - £40
SWRVE Grey Cordura cycling jeans - 34" waist - £20
Light grey shorts - 34” waist - £5
Black Levis 522 - 33" waist, 34" leg - £20
SWRVE Merino-mix L/S cycling shirt - £20
Everything else - £1-5 / FREE
Hardbacks - £3
Paperbacks - £1
Reference books / phrasebooks - FREE