• #73852
I misread it as "white people"
• #73853
How is that a meme, is it lighting up the netz?
• #73854
He should never have left in the first place.
• #73855
Got it. The digital clock says 23:49 but the analogue clock next to it says 09:00. And he's nearly out of battery! Mega lolz.
• #73856
This is about how cracked up I am after seeing that meme:
• #73857
Ah, I see it now!
• #73858
Is it the suburban US back yard visible through the window?
• #73859
I think it's a mall...
• #73860
So obvious when you see it.
• #73861
• #73862
Look at the symbols along the top and bottom of the image, and then look at the image again. It's really obvious.
• #73863
ahh..... his penis is visible, reflected in his visor
• #73865
not really, any argument that ends with charles3131313's comment is far from gold
• #73867
• #73868
What's that army man one about. I feel like I'm missing out on a top quality piece of internet.
• #73869
Comeon guys, it's easy.
Try this one instead:
• #73870
Some soldier/military facebook 'share' posts are fucking chronic. The worst 'pity/respect/praise me' group-reach-around postings imaginable. I say this because of someone I know that was in the RAF, now gets paid a fortune to work in the oil industry and shares ALL of them either out of his own needyness or some kind of collective peer pressure.
There's nothing humorous or intelligent/witty to find in this genre...
(parklife, etc.)
• #73871
'pity/respect/praise me' group-reach-around postings imaginable.
Exactly this.
• #73872
There's a whole genre on youtube of dogs seeing their soldier owners for the first time in months etc.
Cute dogs + Patriots/Warriors etc = internet points.
• #73873
Don't bring dogs into this. It's the soldiers we hate. Dogs are great!
• #73874
Dogs are cunts. Or is that cats?
• #73875
Dogs = soldiers = mimes.
Let me guess...there's a sticker on his passport?