• #3777
I know the MP is technically correct, but it's funny. More so than the situation. Which isn't.
• #3778
By now it's gone from Farce to System Shock :)
• #3779
Am sure he is no longer involved with Primal Scream as Bobby Gillespie is a militant champagne socialist.
• #3780
He was on a bit more than champagne the last time I saw him...
• #3781
As seen on someone else's twits:
• #3782
I agree.
If they had any connotation of the dangers of siding with the DUP, they would not even be considering it, but there again they are Tories.
Party before everything else. -
• #3783
Gove being a recent MP, compared to the original Major's B4st4rds, made a name for himself on the cross-Party Brexit committee, to show he is a follower of the 'TruFlame of Brexhit'.
I'm guessing the kipper wing of the Tories, fearing soft brexit/compromises demanded Gove to be in Cabinet to ensure no perceived backsliding.
• #3784
Met a civil servant who works in transport over the weekend. She didn't mention his social skills, but did say Grayling was a bit of a pain to work under as he is really into transport - it is his dream job. SAD!
At the same dinner was someone who sets counter-terrorism response protocols for the emergency services who was interesting but could barely get a word in as there was also a complete bore who talked over everyone else. -
• #3785
Did someone as you about Villa's chances for next season then?
• #3786
No football chat - yentzing season.
• #3787
you channelling your inner Trump?
• #3788
mespilus junior reminds me,
that when Gove ran the Department of Education,
Climate Change was expunged from the GCSE curricula.Fear for the Environment.
• #3789
It's painful to say but Gove was an ok Justice secretary and a lot of the decent things he did were ditched by the truly terrible Grayling.
I think Tom Watson is on to something asking about the Murdoch influence. As a minister Gove went to see Murdoch more than anyone else, even more than Cameron and Osborne. -
• #3790
Queen's speech delayed because it has to be written on goat skin paper. Needs a few days for the ink to dry.
Are you fucking kidding me... No, you're not.
• #3791
The Queens Speech has been delayed because the Tories have nothing to put in it.
May-ism died last week, the advisors that thought up her May-ist policies have been sacked,
apart from Brexhit what is there for Government to concentrate upon?It would be very brave to include the scrapping of free School meals and their replacement with 7p free breakfasts.
• #3792
I'll have you know the preferred term is Pre Election Period
• #3793
Some flowers have been delivered to Theresa May. That is not in itself particularly interesting but this related anecdote livens the story up a little.
• #3794
Are you fucking kidding me... No, you're not.
Erm, yes they are. This is untrue.
• #3795
... goat ...
... kidding...
Nice pun.
• #3796
EU just taking the piss now
• #3797
Breaking news: no formal coalition with Tories because the DUP don't believe in dinosaurs...
(I'll get my coat)
• #3798
This guy said it on the telebox https://twitter.com/GeoffWilkinson/status/874239053184552960
• #3800
Lots of people have been saying it- doesn't make it true.