• #3577
SF runs on an abstention platform, even when it can help NI they still won't do it. Because it's party / nationalism over all even if the price is extreme.
(Which in fairness is not a sin only SF is guilty of, hai May)
• #3578
DUP sites hacked and translated into Irish Gaelic ;)
• #3579
Ha, that's a good one!
• #3580
I'll be surprised if the ToryDUPfest endures long enough to get to the first brexit discussion with the EU.
• #3581
Muted that the Scottish Tory's want to break away
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/06/09/ruth-davidson-planning-scottish-tory-breakaway-challenges-theresa/ -
• #3582
Apparently May has fucked the power-sharing agreement that has been in place since the peace process by aligning the DUP with the Tory party, because now the British Government can't be trusted to be an impartial judge of things over there. Strongly and stablely fucking every fucking thing in sight, it seems.
• #3584
Jesus fuckin' wept.
It's like a pinball machine of moronificationness: "What [ding] about [ding] this?"; "Or [ding ding ding] this?"...
Are they just trying to fuck as much as possible before they're beamed-up?
• #3585
May's 'coaltion of chaos'. AKA Pact wth the devil as DUP are toxic...a total abrogation of principle....the 'correct' for her to was for the Tories to run as a minority government and say 'vote us down if you dare'....but that requires principle...something May lacks along with humanity....Hubris pure and simple!
As Nye Bevan said....'the Tory party are lower than vermin'.....Have was right then and nothing has or will change....the 'nasty party' now allied to the "Vile Party'.
• #3586
Is anyone actually behind this partnership? I'm struggling to find positive articles / comment, for a bit of balance.
• #3587
There's 19 LBGT Tory MPs apparently. I wonder what they make of being in bed with the DUP.
• #3588
And, given how Tim Farron was asked incessantly if homosexuality was a sin during the campaign, I think it's only fair that the same question is put to Arlene Foster from now on.
• #3589
What will it change? I can imagine there's a lot of pissed of young voters right now.
Now what?
• #3590
Surely this deal with the DUP can't sit right with the vast majority of tory voters (excluding the old racist homophobes of course)? They voted for TM, not a deal with the DUP. My brother voted tory and ignorantly said 'do what you need to survive' to me yesterday. But at what cost? TM's government is less than 24hrs old and is already the least credible assortment of straw clutching fuckwits i've ever seen anywhere near 'power'. She needed to grow a pair and form a minority government, not get into bed with these troglodytes. It will end in a glorious shitstorm, and undoubtedly yet another GE.
• #3591
Just because you're LGBT, doesn't mean you can't be a selfish asshole. They're probably not bothered by it at all.
• #3592
Good summary of the situation here.
http://news.sky.com/story/matter-of-time-before-theresa-mays-minority-government-crumbles-10910572 -
• #3593
Fair point, they are Tories after all. But hopefully some of them will take a stand.
• #3594
This thread on the situation May has created for herself is excellent;
She's essentially put the entire peace process in Northern Ireland at risk to retain power. Well played, Theresa.
• #3595
Could she have trumped the Donald? Extraordinary is the only word I have to describe it... Truly amazing...
• #3596
Yeah, very good thread.
This is a interesting perspective on the 'shift left'
• #3597
And some of the sideshow that deflects the blame onto the now-infamous Nick and Fiona
• #3598
A minister was on Radio 4 earlier saying part of the deal with the DUP is to hold a vote on reducing the abortion limit.
Putting aside the retrograde aspect for a moment, I'm delighted to see they are dealing with the major issues we face as a country straight away.
• #3599
SAKE!!!!!!Last time that happened the BMA went "yeah, but no..." and very late stage abortion are both 1.5% or less of total with 1% due to genetic issues.
And how about demanding cash for a solution for the NI border...that would be something we can actually use here ;(
• #3600
1 Attachment
JC done it.