If only... like Brexit nationalism overrides anything with the DUP.
They do FUCK ALL for the area I am on a national level, have been involved in a corruption scandal, said they'd block gay marriage, but people still voted for them.
They may embarrass Westminster into taking action, but I doubt that as the last Secretary of states were all Tory shills and fuck NI.
[jaysus this places makes one bitter... not even from here! Come back Dutch King William 3 all is forgiven he would do a better job!]
I think the shining of the light on the DUP will only be a good thing. Their outdated policies and vile personal views will become apparent and many will be repulsed by them. That will limit any influence they have.
We shouldn't forget that there are many in the Tory party who oppose Brexit, and many who are very pro Brexit. Those schisms will soon open, especially with a leader who is a lame duck. Then their wafer thin majority will become apparent.