Anything over £60/65m is fantastic business, £87m is just pure lozzles!
We need:
2 x CB's
1 x LB
1 x LW/LM
2 x CF's
1 x GK
In this market and in our realms that is around £100m so I'm hoping we'll spend all that or Walsh/Koeman have a few hidden gems on the horizon a lá Mahrez, Kante etc...
I wouldn't argue with that especially if Koeman is going to take the Europa cup seriously. Fingers crossed Walsh has a few players up his sleeve as there is very little value in the Premier league anymore.
Anything over £60/65m is fantastic business, £87m is just pure lozzles!
We need:
2 x CB's
1 x LB
1 x LW/LM
2 x CF's
1 x GK
In this market and in our realms that is around £100m so I'm hoping we'll spend all that or Walsh/Koeman have a few hidden gems on the horizon a lá Mahrez, Kante etc...