• Picked this E61 525i manual up yesterday, needs a bit of work but I'm hoping to not hit Dammit levels... Famous last words!

  • Nice!

    Were the 25i badged cars still 6 cylinder for that model year?

    A big part of me really liked the idea of buying an old(ish) 5 series touring, but because life's already too complicated, I ended up going for new car.

    I'll be interested to hear how you get on with that one.

  • Yep, detuned N53 (and apparently possible to retune, if required). I looked at newer models but there's quite a gap in terms of age (and therefore price) where petrol went out of fashion for a while. I figure that even if it blows up and we have to buy another, I'll still be well off the +15k for a more recent model and miles away from a brand new one!
