I've ridden it maybe half a dozen times - the idea was to use it as a filler whilst I waited for my new Reilly built stainless frame to arrive - and that's now here a little sooner than I'd anticipated!
So, all I'm selling is the frame, forks, headset - £285 posted from Cheshire
Details/pics in the original ad above - if you need more, just ask!
I bought the full bike just a couple of weeks ago from Tel over on Retrobike, original ad here:
I've ridden it maybe half a dozen times - the idea was to use it as a filler whilst I waited for my new Reilly built stainless frame to arrive - and that's now here a little sooner than I'd anticipated!
So, all I'm selling is the frame, forks, headset - £285 posted from Cheshire
Details/pics in the original ad above - if you need more, just ask!