• A challenger appears.
    Reading CC evening 10 on the H10/2, a second Hirame on the start line, this one is a Kyoto Super (refinished in a slightly darker blue than the factory paint) also in Ishiwata tubing but aimed more at an Audax/light touring market. 48/16 gearing and a 26:13 finishing time for 97rpm, about 10rpm more than I could manage on my Osaka Pro.

  • wheels look a bit modern!

    anyone have any other hints and tips for the f11/10, looks like the wind is coming from the west on Saturday which my gut instinct is probably better than from the east?

  • I think so, when I did it a few weeks back there was a bit headwind on the last section which meant from the turn it was like riding into treacle. It's fast enough heading west after the first roundabout that you'll pick up speed anyway.

    Look out at the first roundabout, visability is poor and you might have to brake, but there'll be a marshall there to signal if something is coming I imagine. Be careful on the second roundabout, it's a dual carriageway so can be dodgy. A van pulled out right in front of me and then stopped.

    I still enjoyed it despite all that!

  • 2 x 4 mile efforts. No point trying to pedal down the hill.

    Keep an eye out for the first turn, it comes sooner than you'd think. I had to cut right across at the last minute when I first ride it. If you lose speed at the first roundabout your ride is basically over. Carry as much speed as you can.

  • wheels look a bit modern!

    No more so than the WH-RS30s I'm using.

  • Go hard when you can pedal round the first turn.
