I picked up a Zipp carbon wheel and all looked good on roadside inspection, however after a bit of a clean I've spotted a bit of a mark next to one of the spokes, pics below.
It feels like more of a scratch than a crack (doesn't go all the way through the carbon, is uneven in depth and there's no 'give'). However, I'm fearing for the worst here... What do you think?
And there I thought I'd bagged a good rim for rebuilding onto the track.
Thanks, I was hoping that would be the case and it does feel like a scratch. Just wanted to check before investing in a new hub and packing off to a wheelbuilder (I don't trust my own abilities with a 24h old carbon rim!). Cheers.
Hi all
I picked up a Zipp carbon wheel and all looked good on roadside inspection, however after a bit of a clean I've spotted a bit of a mark next to one of the spokes, pics below.
It feels like more of a scratch than a crack (doesn't go all the way through the carbon, is uneven in depth and there's no 'give'). However, I'm fearing for the worst here... What do you think?
And there I thought I'd bagged a good rim for rebuilding onto the track.
Thanks in advance.