Do I have the wrong end of the, err, strip with this LED lighting? I assumed I should bridge across the end of the strips to complete the circuit, which I did by soldering from the end positive to negative terminals. But the only one that works is the one that isn't bridged. When I do touch these wires, the lights turn off...
Maybe they're already bridged and I'm just effectively shorting the circuit by touching the wires.
@Airhead@rodabod, sounded like you guys have some experience in using these things.
Do I have the wrong end of the, err, strip with this LED lighting? I assumed I should bridge across the end of the strips to complete the circuit, which I did by soldering from the end positive to negative terminals. But the only one that works is the one that isn't bridged. When I do touch these wires, the lights turn off...
Maybe they're already bridged and I'm just effectively shorting the circuit by touching the wires.
@Airhead @rodabod, sounded like you guys have some experience in using these things.
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