• #702
Cos that means somebody else can take the flack for their horridly ill-formed "opinions" while giving them emotional support at the same time? ;)
• #703
• #704
Thoroughly enjoyed this tweet of hers
• #705
She must be on here.
• #706
Struggling with the concept that her controversial moments could be encapsulated into a 1m:17s video.
• #707
You'll all be happy to hear she has a book deal with Bite Back Publishing. Some people I know in the industry weren't very happy about it and have confirmed she is a piece of shit in person too.
• #708
I hope she forgets to wear a bra whilst riding in a jersey with a seam across the chest and gets bloody nips.
• #709
Will the daily fail fire her too or is she too perfectly aligned with their readership?
• #710
She works for Mail Online, which is a separate business to the Daily Fascist.
• #711
When even bigots cannot tolerate your bigotry
• #712
What a good start to the weekend.
• #713
Also catering to wildly differing demographics.
At least the DM readership is literally dying away...
• #714
Who is this Tim Fenton in Crewe? How did he get this media exclusive before everyone else? Is he credible? I've never heard of him.
I would love it to be true though.
• #715
I'll ask someone tomorrow who will probably know. *taps nose
• #716
He's the kind of person who might know, I think
Edit - apparently the wrong Tim Fenton
• #717
LOL. There's no such thing as the university of Suffolk.
• #718
He's that dog from Richmond Park, right?
• #719
He's the kind of person who might know, I think
Think it's this Tim Fenton - https://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/mar/08/zelo-street-tim-fenton-blogging-twitter
• #720
He's that dog from Richmond Park, right
• #721
Who is this Tim Fenton in Crewe? How did he get this media exclusive before everyone else? Is he credible? I've never heard of him.
He is excellent. Seems to get lots of stories from journalists who are not allowed to publish them. Very good at BS busting. Worth following on Twitter. His output is prodigious.
• #722
Doubt it. I was in Crewe last week. Seems very unlikely anyone there can write.
• #723
Ah. Who knew there were so many Tim Fentons?
• #724
That was worth a cruel cackle from me.
I hear there's a vacancy at the Mail-you should throw your hat in the ring?
• #725
I dunno it just seems like a personal blog and he doesn't post any info about who he is or why we should listen to him. He self-describes as 'blogger and pundit' but I just did a Gorkana search and he doesn't seem to have any prior experience so is a 'citizen journalist'. Whatever that means.Sorry just saw that link. He should add that info to his blog.
I'd be asking why the other journalists aren't allowed to publish these stories.
We'll see anyway - nobody else is reporting this so either he was first by far or it's a 'permanent exclusive'.