I know that when I was at school one of us would have stolen something, set something off or just damaged shit or each other. This school is private and relatively expensive so the clientele probably won't be the same as at my school but kids will be kids. Youngsters having full and unrestricted access to everything dangerous in a school science department is at the very least a Health and Safety issue. I just don't know who to alert yet. I'm going to work at 2.00pm and I'll speak to the child protection officer in the first instance.
Lock up after the cleaners have finished, and assume that anyone who is supposed to be in those rooms will have a key?
It being a school, the fallout from duty of care issues can be prodigious. You can't assume the little buggers will accept rules, read notices, follow instructions or use some common sense. You probably can assume that parents will want a scapegoat when the fruit of their loins demonstrates dangerous stupidity.
As a separate issue, my recollection of COSHH cupboards was that 'lockable' did not mean 'must be locked', but I'm going back a few years...