Having to pass this on as it's too long in the top tube for me. 53cm, see pics for geo. Rode it for a good while, I'm the only owner so far. Couple of nicks here and there but overall condition is excellent. Looked really nice built up and is very light. Happy to deliver within a reasonable distance, based in SE22. Price includes Thomson finishing kit, seatpost, clamp and stem, Deda RHM01 bars (taped). Pressfit BB also included. Takes a band-on derailleur. SOLD
Having to pass this on as it's too long in the top tube for me. 53cm, see pics for geo. Rode it for a good while, I'm the only owner so far. Couple of nicks here and there but overall condition is excellent. Looked really nice built up and is very light. Happy to deliver within a reasonable distance, based in SE22. Price includes Thomson finishing kit, seatpost, clamp and stem, Deda RHM01 bars (taped). Pressfit BB also included. Takes a band-on derailleur. SOLD
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