in a country where the news agenda is set by the mind bogglingly rich white men in charge of just three companies who control nearly 70 per cent of national newspaper circulation, i think 'cancer' is putting it lightly.
this goes beyond harassing the recently bereaved. the intellectual dishonesty displayed by some journo's when they disseminate horse shit in the interests of their paymasters is appalling.
in a country where the news agenda is set by just three companies who control nearly 70 per cent of national newspaper circulation
The good news is that newspapers are in decline, as is their influence. More and more people get their news from the internet and social media which are far more diverse. There is a rich choice of places to get your news now. I do actually think that outlets like Sky and the BBC overplay the power of the newspapers given this with their 'The Papers' type segments - there's no reason that those mind bogglingly rich white men should dictate the media agenda any more.
Also these sort of comments are ridiculous. Without the media we're all truly fucked.